The punkto team is here to support with fascinating process of enhancing the development, motivation and performance of your employees.
With individual coaching, we focus on you and your personal concerns. This is an extremely efficient way to deal effectively with the key issues and challenges you currently face. Working alongside you, we provide the benefit of our expert knowledge (consultancy) and ask helpful questions to enable you to develop the solutions that are right for you (coaching).
The focus here is on the issues that arise when working as a team. We develop a range of solutions, taking account of the strengths of each individual and sharing the benefit of our experience. As part of this process, we ask solution-focused questions to help you find new perspectives and ways of thinking.
Peace and quiet, concentration, a clear target, a clean swing and drive – PUNKTO helps you stay on par! Many of the attributes that are demanded on the golf course are also important in daily life as a manager. Work with us to make the most of your skills, abilities and expertise. Please see our flyer for more information about what to expect from our Golf Executive Training.
Online coaching offers maximum flexibility: no commuting stress—simply log in via Microsoft Teams and get started. Together, we work interactively on a Miro board to visualize ideas and move forward in a structured way. You determine the duration of your session, depending on your needs, between 60 and 90 minutes.
Discover What Makes You Unique
Career Booster – Take It to the Next Level!
Develop Your Leadership Style Further.
Find Inner Peace and Clarity
Turn Changes into Opportunities!
Make Decisions with Clarity and Confidence
Let Your Dreams Come Alive!
Boost Your Inner Resilience!
Communicate More Effectively!
See Conflicts as Opportunities: Master Tensions
Your Coaching, Your Path: Customized for You
Discover What Makes You Unique. With in-depth analysis and personalized guidance, we help you make your strengths visible and achieve your personal goals
CHF 920 – 1320
Perfect for those who want to work on themselves and achieve great things.
Discover your career opportunities and shape your path with clarity. We guide you from initial orientation to the implementation of your next steps.
CHF 950 – 1700
Perfect for those who want to get the most out of their work.
Develop your leadership style and create an inspiring team dynamic. With targeted strategies and personalized coaching, you’ll not only strengthen your skills but also improve collaboration and motivation within your team.
CHF 1300 – 2150
Ideal for: Team Leaders, Department Heads, CEOs – anyone in a leadership role.
Find Inner Peace and Clarity. Discover how to reduce stress, strengthen your balance, and tackle everyday challenges with focus.
CHF 920 – 1730
Perfect for those who want to be more mindful with themselves.
Turn Changes into Opportunities! We’ll guide you in clearly defining and implementing your goals.
CHF 920 – 1730
Perfect for those facing major changes.
Make decisions with clarity and confidence. This package provides you with the tools to act with assurance.
CHF 920 – 1320
Perfect for those who want to gain more confidence in decision-making.
Let Your Dreams Come Alive! Together, we’ll develop your vision and create clear, actionable steps to make it a reality.
CHF 820 – 1630
Ideal for anyone ready to turn their dreams into reality.
Boost your inner resilience! With targeted strategies, you’ll stay strong even in turbulent times.
CHF 920 – 1320
Perfect for anyone who wants to enhance their resilience.
Communicate More Effectively! Learn to persuade, inspire, and convey your message with clarity.
CHF 920 – 1480
Ideal for anyone who wants to communicate more effectively.
See Conflicts as Opportunities: Learn how to approach tensions constructively, resolve misunderstandings, and find sustainable solutions together.
CHF 920 – 1730
Ideal for anyone who wants to resolve conflicts more effectively.
Your Coaching, Your Path! We’ll create a package that perfectly fits your goals and needs. Fill out the contact form below, and we’ll determine which offering is the best fit for you.
Move to the next level together as a team. Whatever your challenge, we can help. Be it a shake up in the team, taking on additional responsibilities, the arrival of a new manager or simply further developing a team that already functions well.
New structures have been discussed and defined, the organisation chart has been drawn up and now all that needs to happen is for staff to “get involved”. To ensure your project is embraced by all, everybody affected needs to feel like a partner in the process. Before undertaking this type of project, it is always worth putting some thought into how to get staff on board for the entire journey.
Wherever people work together, conflict is never far away. Our role is to help you deal constructively with the issues. Do you want to take a proactive approach to addressing the topic of conflict with your team? Are you looking to address a specific conflict-related matter? We look forward to supporting you on both a professional and human level.
Has your executive team become jaded with the same old leadership training? Let us design a bespoke training course matched to the individual needs of the participants. We will combine knowledge content and practical examples with elements of coaching to create a vibrant, enjoyable experience that can be delivered as modules.
Have you seen a potential employee for a first interview and do you now want to get a professional second opinion? Why not ask us to help you out with a structured interview.
We are available to provide expedient support for your human resources management needs in various areas. Our team can fill roles as qualified interim managers, step in to help you get past an HR bottleneck and work alongside you to ensure adequate staffing for a recruitment drive.
We have expertise in the following areas:
We are licensed practitioners of the following techniques and participate in regular continuing professional development to ensure that your experience of working with us is always excellent.
People aren`t your greatest asset-the right people are The Occuppational Personality Questionnaire, the OPQ32, is one oft he most widely used and respected measures of workplace behavoural style in the world. It sets a high standard of measurement excellence, providing HR professionals and business managers with relevant and accurate information to make fast and well- informed people decisions. The OPQ32 provides a clear framework for understanding the impact of personality on job performace. It is internationally recognised for its accuracy of assessment. Over 90 independent validation studies have been conducted on the OPQ over a period of 25 years, across 20 countries and 40 industries, providing concrete evidence of its power to predict performace in the workplace.
Competence- and Potentialanalysis OPQ (with SHL license) Success in the job does not only depend on the skills. Personality traits are the key to the identification of achievement potential. The OPQ32 provides detailed information on 32 specific personality characteristics which underpin an individual`s behaviour at work and their performance against key competencies. These 32 specific personality characteristics are divided into three categories:
When ist OPQ used? The strutured questionnaire of the OPQ can be filled out by individuals and/or entire teams. It allows reliable statements about skills and potential. The OPQ32 can be used in the following areas:
In which situations does the OPQ support you?
Are there also capabilitytests? In the licensed SHL OPQ are also capability tests included. Here the relevant performance of a candidate is measured. These tests are offered in the following dimensions:
Which report are available? New reports are developed countinuously. Depending on the situation different reports have to be used . This may include (a non-exthaustive selection):
How do you get your OPQ? A personality- assesment is online available – anywhere and any time. The OPQ32 can be used easily, quickly and cost effectively. We are licensed users of OPQ32 and advice you in the choice oft he method, which is tailored to your particular needs. Give us a call – we will advise you competently and effectivly.
“Personality types – the key to successful communication, conflict avoidance, understanding others and synergetic teams.” Every person is different and unique. Everybody has their own preferences and inclinations. People who know their own preferences and inclinations, who can make good judgements about the preferences and inclinations of others and who can categorise them into types will be more successful at negotiation, communication and decision-making.
GPOP-based personality profiles can support processes such as:
1. Personal situation assessment for self-development The GPOP system provides insights into a person’s personality structure and acts as a guide to help assess their individual situation. This provides information that helps to answer the question “How well do I know myself?” Each person involved will discover their own preferences and inclinations. The results will indicate their preferred management and communication styles, the factors that motivate and demotivate them, their contribution to the team and their personal learning style.
2. Creating effective teams for negotiations and projects The GPOP system captures five dimensions of a person’s personality structure, which then allows them to be allocated one of 16 personality types. Knowing the respective personality types of individuals within a team can help with promoting team development and collaboration, particularly because the composition of working groups, project teams and senior management teams has a major influence on the success of the organisation. People who build teams need to be able to demonstrate that they have “the right touch”, particularly in their grasp of team dynamics. GPOP helps avoid leaving things to chance by providing a rational evidence base for decisions that is transparent to all involved. The more complex the task, the more important it is that the team structure combines a diverse mix of different personality types. If instead there is a homogenous group of similar personality types, then the team may have a narrow outlook and either overlook important elements of a task, or dismiss them as irrelevant.
3. Executive development and coaching GPOP helps people in senior management roles to identify their personal leadership style, the behaviour patterns associated with it and the risks and opportunities that those patterns create. This awareness promotes enquiry, enquiry promotes perception and perception triggers the learning process. Viewed across the organisation as a whole, the type of personality structure that occurs most frequently also determines the culture. With GPOP, the preferences that dominate in a company or organisational unit are clearly visible.
4. Conflict resolution and conflict avoidance Personality profiles based on GPOP can help with more accurately identifying the prevailing communication behaviours and needs in conflict situations, and therefore with identifying suitable adjustments to individual behaviours. An understanding of other personality types provides the basis for a decisive approach, which in turn leads to successful interventions that avoid and resolve conflicts.
Methodology The GPOP Golden Profiler of Personality is a system that is applied in human resources and organisational development to assess personality structure. The questionnaire incorporates five dimensions of a person’s personality structure based on their alignment to 16 personality patterns (types). The fifth dimension (Tense/Calm) describes the subject’s current stress level and its effect on their behaviour. The five dimensions determine how a person interacts with their environment and processes information. The GPOP Golden Profiler of Personality draws on Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of psychological type. The instrument takes its name from John Golden. With it, he made certain fundamental human behavioural types and traits recognisable and understandable. The English version of the instrument, the Golden Personality Type Profiler, was published in 2000 for the first time. It was adapted for the German-speaking world by Golden himself, in conjunction with Richard Bents and Reiner Blank. The German version has been in use since 2004. Like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), this instrument is a tool used in psychology for assessing personalities. The method was standardised across a sample group comprising 3,615 people.
Punkto Beratung gmbh is licensed to use GPOP and has extensive experience in its application. We look forward to helping you with expert advice focused on your specific needs.
Those who know the DiSG® model and are aware of their DiSG® style not only better understand their own actions, but can also work more successfully with others. The goal of Everything DiSG® is to communicate better with other people, to strengthen interpersonal relationships and to counteract prejudices. According to the motto: “Better relations, better results”.
The four letters D I S and C are composed as follows for the model:
DOMINANCE Direct, firm, strong-willed, forceful and result oriented
INFLUENCE Outgoing, enthusiastic, optimistic, high-spirited, lively
STEADINESS Even-tempered, accomoddating, patient, humble, tactful
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS Analytical, reserved, precise, private, systematic